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Real Wedding: Lindsay & Dan

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

When we were approached to help Lindsay and Dan with their first wedding dance, we both knew from the very beginning it was going to be special – not just for them, but for us as well: we have been friends with Lindsay for many years and met through dancing.

They had chosen a very beautiful song - “Love” by Nat King Cole – which we also coincidentally picked ourselves for our own wedding dance remix. You can read a full blog post about it here: (link)

One big factor for both Lindsay & Dan when preparing their first wedding dance, was their difference in dance experience. Lindsay is a very experienced dancer in several dance styles, who has danced from a young age and even competed for years. Dan however, would describe himself as a complete beginner. When designing their choreography, we wanted to make sure Dan felt comfortable, but at the same time incorporating steps and figures which Lindsay had previous experience with. We were truly blown away with the amazing mindset from both of them – always positive and working together. Dan’s attitude towards learning and making Lindsay proud was second to none, and Lindsay was, through her own dance experience, able to help Dan learn much faster. Their team work in our lessons was a joy to witness. And it is safe to say Lindsay absolutely loved finally being able to dance together with Dan. Afterall, there is nothing that compares to dancing with the person you love the most!

Lindsay & Dan’s wedding was postponed on several occasions due to the pandemic and its restrictions on weddings. Each time a new date was set, instead of getting disheartened, they would give us a call and say “we have more time now. Let’s make the choreography even more advanced!” What an amazing attitude to have!

After revisions and upgrades, a beautiful quickstep routine was finally made, that included some classic ballroom quickstep choreography as well as some out of hold line figures. We were incredibly impressed with how fast Dan felt comfortable with this routine.

Nearer the wedding date, Lindsay asked if it would be possible for her father to join her for a lesson to prepare a very simple slow foxtrot as the “father and daughter dance” after Lindsay’s first dance with Dan. Lindsay’s father has taken social dance classes for many years, so it was simply a question of getting a short routine together for them with steps her father was already familiar with.

Another factor, which made Lindsay & Dan’s first wedding dance so special for us, was the fact, that we were invited as guests for their wedding.

Once the big day finally arrived, we were so excited and a little nervous on their behalf. The wedding day was long awaited due to the pandemic, but it was absolutely beautiful and was everything one could have wished for.

And the first wedding dance? Safe to say they both nailed it! We were so proud of Dan and how he had stepped up for the challenge – and as they danced together, we are sure they both thought all the hard work was worth it for that special moment. The cheer at the end of the dance also proved how they had impressed their friends and family. They certainly had impressed us!

It was an absolute pleasure to work with Dan and Lindsay (and Lindsay’s father) as they prepared their first wedding dance. And it was an even greater pleasure to see their first wedding dance live!

Venue: The Daranth

Photographer: Matt Rock

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