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The Timeline

Planning your wedding can be both exciting and overwhelming. There are so many things to do and so many aspects to consider. For the first dance preparation, the most common question we get is: “when should we start preparing?”

In this blog post, we will outline the timeline and process we take all our couples through when you book the silver or gold dance package.

1. Booking

As soon as you have decided to book a dance package, and have us helping you with your first dance, we recommend getting in touch – not matter how far in advance your wedding is.

Ideally, we start the process of the online consultation, creating the choreography, and booking the dance lessons for each couple 4-6 months in advance. However, the booking can be made long before this to secure your space. We will start the actual dance lessons nearer your wedding of course.

If you are closer than 4 months to your wedding, you are always welcome to contact us and we will inform you of our availability. Your booking is secured with a deposit of 50% of the dance package fee.

2. Consultation

We will invite you to an online consultation or a phone call prior to your dance lessons. In this meeting, we will guide you through the first dance process, clarify any preferences or requirements for the dance and go through a list of questions before we start choreographing your unique first dance. Any questions or concerns you may have will also be addressed in this meeting. Check out the blog post “6 things to prepare for the online consultation” for a little insight to the aspects we will cover in this meeting.

A key part of this stage is to confirm your song. Some couples have already chosen their song prior to the consultation stage – which is fabulous – whilst other couples need a little help and guidance. We will do this during the consultation and ultimately this needs to be confirmed before we start choregraphing. Any edits to the song will also be discussed, as many modern songs are too long in their original version to be used as a first dance song. We use a professional music editor to crop the songs to the perfect duration.

3. Preparation

After the online consultation or phone call, you can relax knowing we are taking care of the preparation. We will firstly order the song to be edited (if required). Secondly, and the most important part, we will choreograph your dance from start to finish before we meet for the first dance lesson – taking into consideration your preferences that we discussed during the consultation.

The only preparation you need to be involved in, is booking the dates for your dance lessons.

4. Dance lessons

This is where the fun really begins. You will learn your first dance as we guide you through the choreography at your pace and comfort. As professional dance teachers we are very used to helping couples learn the choreography even if you are complete beginners and have no dance experience. We make sure you have an enjoyable time and gain the confidence before your wedding day. We always encourage our couples to do a few practice sessions at home between the lessons to familiarise yourselves with the dance.

Many of our couples take the opportunity of the dance lessons to have a whole hour together where you do not need to think about all the different wedding admin, but simply be present and guided through your choreography, whilst dancing with your partner. The dance lessons often become a little safe bubble you can enjoy together as you learn the dance.

5. Your wedding day

Once your big day is finally here, all you need to do is to enjoy it and cherish the moment. The preparation has been done and you are ready.

Before we conclude the last dance lesson, we always make sure you have your choreography filmed as well as received it as a written PDF for you to print or save on your phone. This can be used on your wedding day, if you would like to take a private moment to just confirm the dance.

Nothing beats dancing together as newlyweds on your wedding day and this is moment we have been working towards. Enjoy it and it will become a memory to cherish for a lifetime.

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